2 coxas de peru com osso, sem pele
Alho e sal a gosto
Pimenta do reino a gosto
2 colheres de sopa de mostarda
2 colheres de sopa rasas de mel
Modo de fazer:
1. Temperar as coxas com alho, sal e pimenta do reino.
2. Colocar as coxas num refratário.
3. Espalhar mostarda por cima das coxas.
4. Deixar tomar gosto por 20 minutos
5. Derramar o mel por cima.
6. Cobrir com papel alumínio.
7. Assar em forno médio até as coxas ficarem macias.
8. Tirar o papel alumínio e assar até as coxas dourarem de ambos os lados.
Turkey thighs with Honey and mustard
2 turkey thighs, bone-in, skinless
Garlic and salt to taste
Black pepper to taste
2 tablespoon mustard (or more)
2 tablespoon honey
How to make:
1. Season the turkey thighs with garlic, salt and pepper.
2. Put the turkey in an ovenproof dish.
3. Spread mustard on top of the turkey thighs.
4. Let stay for 20 minutes
5. Pour the honey over the top.
6. Cover with aluminum foil.
7. Bake in a medium oven until turkey thighs are tender.
8. Remove the foil and bake until the turkey thighs are golden-brown in both sides.