Mais tarde a moqueca passou a ser feita em panela de barro, originária do artesanato indígena.
A diferença básica da Moqueca Baiana para a Capixaba (prato típico do Estado do Espírito Santo) é que a baiana leva azeite de dendê e leite de coco, enquanto que a capixaba é feita com azeite de oliva, urucum ou colorau, para dar cor ao molho, e não leva leite de coco.
A moqueca é servida com Pirão de Peixe, Farofa de Dendê e Arroz.
1,5 kg de peixe em postas, que tenha carne firme e não se desmanche facilmente (nós usamos dourado de alto mar)
½ kg de camarão sem casca
200 ml de leite de coco
100 ml de azeite de dendê
1 colher de sopa de azeite de oliva
1 pimentão cortado em rodelas
1 cebola cortada em rodelas
1 tomate cortado em rodelas
Folhas de coentro picadas
Alho e sal
Pimenta malagueta em conserva (opcional)
Modo de fazer:
1. Temperar o peixe com alho e sal e deixar tomar gosto por ½ hora.
2. Como a moqueca é feita em camadas, colocar uma primeira camada de cebola, tomate e pimentão. Adicionar o azeite de oliva e ligar o fogo. Quando começar a borbulhar, adicionar uma camada de postas de peixe. Por cima colocar outra camada de cebola, tomate e pimentão (se necessário repetir as camadas).
3. Adicionar o azeite de dendê e o leite de coco.
4. Quando começar a ferver, tampar a panela e cozinhar até o peixe ficar cozido.
5. Adicionar o camarão e o coentro e cozinhar por mais 2 minuitos.
6. Servir na panela de barro para conservar o calor.
English version: Fish Moqueca Bahía-Style (Fish Stew State of Bahía-Style)
Moqueca is a brazilian fish stew. The Bahia-Style Moqueca is a boiled fish seasoning with onions, green peppers, tomatoes, coriander leaves, palm oil and coconut milk. The moqueca was originally made by Brazilian Indians in a grid of rods or directly over vegetal coal, that were used for roasting meat and other foods. It was also used to keep the meat through smoking. The grid was called “MOKAEM” (moquém) and the roast involved in leaves was called “POKEKA”, today called moqueca.
The moqueca is made today in a pan of clay, that originally was hand made by Brazilian indians.
The basic difference between Bahia Moqueca and Capixaba Moqueca, typical from the State of Espírito Santo, is that the Bahia use palm oil and coconut milk, while the capixaba is made with olive oil and urucum, to give red color to the sauce, and don’t use coconut milk.
Serve moqueca with Mush of Fish, Palm Farofa and Rice.
1.5 kg sea fish steaks
½ kg shrimp peeled and deveined
200 ml coconut milk
100 ml palm oil
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 green bell pepper sliced
1 onion sliced
1 tomato sliced
Leaves of coriander chopped
Garlic and salt to taste
How to make:
1. Season fish with garlic and salt to taste. Let stay in the refrigerator for about 1 hour.
2. Moqueca is made in layers. Put a first layer of onion, tomato and bell pepper In the clay pan. Add olive oil and bring to boil. When start to bubbling, add one layer of fish steaks. Put over fish another layer of onion, tomato and bell pepper (if necessary repeat the layers).
3. Stir in palm oil and coconut milk.
4. When the liquid is bubbling, simmer covered until fish is cooked.
5. Add shrimp and coriander. Simmer for 2 minutes more.
6. Serve moqueca in the clay pan.
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