1 olho de cão de cerca de 1,2 kg, sem escamas e limpo
1 tomate cortado em fatias
½ pimentão cortado em fatias
Tempero misto: cominho, louro e pimenta do reino
Alecrim fresco picado
Alho e sal
Azeite de oliva
Modo de fazer:
1 olho de cão de cerca de 1,2 kg, sem escamas e limpo
1 tomate cortado em fatias
½ pimentão cortado em fatias
Tempero misto: cominho, louro e pimenta do reino
Alecrim fresco picado
Alho e sal
Azeite de oliva
Modo de fazer:
Assar no forno em temperatura de 250º C, durante cerca de 30 a 40 minutos.
English version: Oven baked fish
1(1.2 kg) whole fish cleaned and gutted
1 tomato sliced
½ green bell pepper, sliced
Cumin, bay leaf and black pepper ground
Fresh rosemary, chopped
Garlic and salt
Olive oil
How to make:
Make 3-4 diagonal cuts across the skin of the fish (on each side). Place fish in a pirex. Season to taste (inside and out) with garlic, salt, cumin, bay leaf, black pepper and rosemary. Pour over olive oil. Place slices of tomato and bell pepper over the fish. Let stand in refrigerator for about 2 hours.
Bake uncovered in a medium oven (250o C) for 30 to 40 minutes or until flesh flakes.
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