Abobrinha fatiada
Cenoura cortada em palitos (nós usamos ralada)
Cogumelo Paris cortado ao meio
Pimentão cortado em tiras (nós usamos apenas pimentão
Alho porro fatiado
Sal e pimenta do reino a gosto
Azeite de oliva
Modo de fazer:
Temperar os legumes com sal e pimenta do reino,
Numa wok com azeite, saltear os legumes até ficarem “al
dente” ou, se preferir, até ficarem macios.
Sauteed Vegetables Ipanema Pitanga-Style
Sliced Zucchini
Carrot cut into sticks (we use grated)
Paris mushroom cut in half
Bell pepper sliced (we use only yellow pepper)
Sliced leek
Salt and black pepper to taste
Olive oil
Season the vegetables with salt and black pepper,
In a wok with olive oil, sauté the vegetables until they are
‘al dente” (crunchy) or, if you prefer, until tender.
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