1 vidro de palmito cortado
1 colher de sopa de manteiga sem sal
1 colher de sopa de azeite de oliva
3 cebolas médias cortadas em pedaços iguais aos de palmito
2 caixas de creme de leite
1 cubo de caldo de legumes ou de frango
3 xícaras de arroz cozido
Sal a gosto (se precisar)
Modo de fazer:
Refogar a cebola na manteiga e no azeite. Quando a cebola ficar transparente, juntar o cubo de caldo e o palmito. Adicionar o creme de leite e refogar um pouco mais. Em seguida, adicionar o arroz cozido e misturar bem
English version: Rice with Earth of Palm Yara-Style
On the last weekend of July we were in Buzios and our dear friend Yara make a delicious Baked Beef Tenderloin (Filet Mignon). To side dish make this Rice with earth of palm and a Farofa.
1 ½ cups earth of palm chopped
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon olive oil
3 medium onions chopped equal to those of earth of palm
2 small boxes heavy cream
1 chicken (or vegetable) bouillon cube
3 cups cooked rice
Salt to taste (if necessary)
How to:
Braise onion in butter and olive oil. When the onion becomes transparent, add the chicken bouillon cube and the earth of palm. Add heavy cream and braise 1 minute more. Then, add cooked rice and mix well. Serve warm.
Rica receta tendre que probarla.