terça-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2017

Lombo de Porco Recheado

Excelente prato para o Natal.


1 kg lombo de porco
15 a 20 fatias de queijo mozzarella
15 a 20 fatias de bacon
Azeite de oliva
4 dentes de alho picadinhos
1 copo de vinho branco
Sal e pimenta do reino a gosto
Orégano e louro a gosto

Modo de fazer:

1. Fazer uma pasta misturando o alho, o azeite e os temperos.
2. Envolver o lombo com esta pasta e deixar tomar gosto por 2 a 3 horas.
3. Colocar o lombo num refratário e regar com o vinho e um pouco de água
4. Assar o lombo em forno médio.
5. Quando estiver quase no ponto, tirar do forno e cortar o lombo em fatias, mas sem cortas totalmente.
6.Colocar uma fatia de queijo e uma de bacon entre as fatias do lombo.
7. Levar de volta ao forno até derreter o queijo e dourar o bacon.

Stuffed Pork Loin

Mariângela traveled to south to see your family and enjoy the Farroupilha feast. In a lunch that brought together many members of his family, Neusa, the wife of his nephew Alexandre, made this Stuffed Pork Loin, which is different and delicious. Thank you Neusa for the recipe.


1 kg pork loin
15 to 20 slices of mozzarella cheese
15 to 20 slices of bacon
Olive oil
4 cloves garlic minced
1 cup white wine
Salt and black pepper to taste
Oregano and bay leaves to taste


1. Make a paste by mixing garlic, olive oil and spices.
2. Wrap the loin with this paste and leave to marinate for 2 to 3 hours.
3. Place the loin in a refractory plate and sprinkle with the wine and a little water
4. Bake the pork loin in a medium oven
5. When the loin is almost done, remove from oven and cut into slices, but without cut completely the slices.
6.Put one slice of cheese and bacon between each slices of loin.

7. Bring back to the oven to melt the cheese and golden-brown the baco

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