2 pacotes de pão de forma sem casca, cortado em quatro fatias horizontalmente
800 g peito de frango
Alho e sal
Pimenta do reino
Óleo vegetal
Modo de fazer:
1. Temperar o frango com alho e sal.
2. Refogar o frango no óleo vegetal até ficar macio.
3. Desfiar o frango e misturar com maionese a gosto.
4. Colocar a mistura do frango entre as fatias de pão.
5. Passar maionese na parte de fora do sanduichão.
Chicken Lunch Sandwich
2 packages of sliced white bread, crusts removed, sliced length-wise in four slices
800 g chicken breast
Garlic and salt
Black pepper
Vegetable oil
How to do:
1. Season chicken with black pepper, garlic and salt.
2. Braise chicken in vegetable oil until chicken is tender.
3. Shred chicken and mix with mayonnaise to taste.
4. Place the chicken mixture between slices of bread.
5. Place mayonnaise on the outside of the lunch sandwich.
che bello!
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