quarta-feira, 10 de agosto de 2011

Tortilha de Batata à Espanhola


3 batatas médias
1 cebola fatiada
3 ovos batidos
5 colheres (sopa) azeite
2 colheres (sopa) água
Sal a gosto
Orégano a gosto

Modo de fazer:

Descascar as batatas e cortá-las em rodelas não muito finas.

Aquecer o azeite numa frigideira. Quando começar a ferver, tirar a frigideira do fogo. Dispor as rodelas de batatas e a cebola até cobrir a frigideira na altura de um dedo antes da borda. Salpicar sal e orégano a gosto.

Voltar com a frigideira para o fogo, colocar a água e tampar. Cozinhar em fogo baixo até as batatas ficarem cozidas (cuidado para não fritar).

Bater os ovos como para omelete, colocar sal e orégano a gosto. Despejar os ovos por cima das batatas (reservar 1/3 dos ovos batidos para depois), e continuar cozinhando em fogo baixo, com a frigideira tampada. Quando estiver dourado em baixo e cozido por cima, virar a tortilha em um prato raso e colocar novamente na frigideira. Despejar o restante dos ovos batidos e dourar o outro lado.

English version: Spanish Tortilla (Tortilla Española)


3 potatoes
1 onion, sliced
3 eggs
5 tablespoon olive oil
2 tablespoon water
Sal to taste
Oregano to taste

How to make:

Peel and thinly cut potatoes into 1/8 to 1/4" slices

Heat the olive oil in a nonstick frying pan. When begin to boil, take the pan from fire.

Arrange slices of potatoes and onions to cover the skillet in the height of a finger before the border. Dabble salt and oregano to taste.

Back with frying pan to heat. Add water and cover. Cook in low heat until potatoes are tender. (be careful to not fry)

Beat the eggs like for omelet and put salt and oregano to taste. Pour eggs over the potatoes (reserve 1/3 of eggs) and continue cooking in low heat with the frying pan cover. When eggs are cooked, invert the tortilla onto a round platter and put back into the frying pan. Pour the remaining eggs over tortilla and brown the other side

Lightly coat a large roasting pan with cooking spray, add the potato and onion . Drizzle with 1 tablespoon plus 2 teaspoons oil and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Toss well. Bake for about 1 hour or until potatoes are tender, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking.

In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Stir in potato mixture and let stand 10 minutes. Heat 1 teaspoon oil in an 8" nonstick skillet over medium heat. Carefully pour potato mixture into pan - this will fill it up almost to the top. Cook 7 minutes or until almost set, shaking the pan carefully every couple minutes.

Place a plate upside down on top of omelet and invert onto plate. Carefully slide omelet cooked side up back into the pan and cook 3 minutes or until set, gently shaking the pan occasionally. Loosen the omelet with a thin spatula and gently slide omelet onto a plate. Let cool - best when served around room temperature.

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