700 g de músculo bovino cortado em pedaços
400 g carne seca picada em pedaços
2 linguiças calabresas
1 paio
Tempero da carne:
Alho e sal
1 cebola picada
1 tomate picado
½ pimentão picado
1 cubo de caldo de carne
5 batatas
2 cenouras
1 pedaço grande de abóbora
2 chuchus cortados ao meio
2 milhos
2 inhames
2 pedaços grandes de mandioca
4 cebolas pequenas
2 bananas d’água ou da terra
½ repolho
5 folhas de couve
6 ovos cozidos
Modo de fazer:
1. Deixar a carne-seca de molho em água por 10 a 12 horas para tirar o excesso de sal.
2. Temperar o músculo com os temperos e deixar tomar gosto.
3. Colocar o músculo e seus temperos e o cubo de caldo de carne numa panela de pressão. Adicionar a carne-seca. Refogar as carnes. Tampar a panela e cozinhar por 15 minutos na pressão.
4. Passar as carnes para uma panela grande Adicionar umas 4 xícaras de água. Adicionar todos os legumes e cozinhar com a panela tampada. Conforme os legumes forem ficando cozidos, ir tirando-os e deixando de lado.
5. Assim que todos os legumes estiverem cozidos, colocar de volta os legumes, adicionar as folhas e os ovos cozidos. Com a panela destampada dar uma breve fervura.
Servir com arroz e um pirão feito com o próprio caldo cozido.
Ingredientes sem as carnes.
As carnes sendo postas para dourar com seu tempêro na panela de pressão.
Com as quantidades da receita deu 2 pirex grandes de cozido mais o pirão feito com seu próprio caldo.
English version: Cozido
Cozido is a rich stew and has its origin in Portugal and Spanin
700 g chuck or brisket cut in chunks
400 g jerked beef chopped
3 smoked sausages chopped
Seasoning of beef:
Garlic and salt
1 onion chopped
1 tomato chopped
½ green bell pepped chopped
1 cube beef stock
5 potatoes
2 carrots
Squash chunks
2 chayotes cut lengthwise
2 sweet corn on the cob, fresh
2 yams
2 maniocs
4 onions
2 bananas or plantains
½ cabbage
5 kale leaves
6 cooked eggs
How to make:
1. Soak jerked beef in water for 10 to 12 hours.
2. Season beef with ingredients above.
3. Place beef and its seasonings and the cube of beef stock in a pressure cooker. Add jerked beef. Braise meats until lightly golden. Put the lid and cook in the pressure for 15 minutes.
4. In a big pan, place cooked meats. Add all vegetables and roots. Add 4 cups water and cover. Boil until vegetables and roots are tender. When each vegetable is cooked take off from the pan.
5. When all vegetables and roots are cooked, put back in the pan. Add leaves and cooked eggs. Boil a few minutes uncovered.
Serve with rice and a mush made with the own stock of cozido.
English version: Cozido
Cozido is a rich stew and has its origin in Portugal and Spanin
700 g chuck or brisket cut in chunks
400 g jerked beef chopped
3 smoked sausages chopped
Seasoning of beef:
Garlic and salt
1 onion chopped
1 tomato chopped
½ green bell pepped chopped
1 cube beef stock
5 potatoes
2 carrots
Squash chunks
2 chayotes cut lengthwise
2 sweet corn on the cob, fresh
2 yams
2 maniocs
4 onions
2 bananas or plantains
½ cabbage
5 kale leaves
6 cooked eggs
How to make:
1. Soak jerked beef in water for 10 to 12 hours.
2. Season beef with ingredients above.
3. Place beef and its seasonings and the cube of beef stock in a pressure cooker. Add jerked beef. Braise meats until lightly golden. Put the lid and cook in the pressure for 15 minutes.
4. In a big pan, place cooked meats. Add all vegetables and roots. Add 4 cups water and cover. Boil until vegetables and roots are tender. When each vegetable is cooked take off from the pan.
5. When all vegetables and roots are cooked, put back in the pan. Add leaves and cooked eggs. Boil a few minutes uncovered.
Serve with rice and a mush made with the own stock of cozido.
Cozido é muito bom, meu marido adora, só acho um pouco trabalhoso, mas vale à pena!!bjs