domingo, 9 de maio de 2010

Farofa com Nozes

Esta farofa foi usada para rechear o Frango Assado Recheado com Farofa apresentado em postagem anterior.


3 dentes de alho picados
1 cebola picada
Sal a gosto
½ xícara de nozes picadas
1 ½ xícaras de farinha de mandioca crua
½ xícara de óleo vegetal

Modo de fazer:

Refogar o alho, o sal e a cebola no óleo vegetal até a cebola começar a ficar dourada. Adicionar a farinha de mandioca aos poucos, mexendo sempre, até obter uma farofa seca. Adicionar as nozes picadas e misturar bem. Desligar o fogo e usar.

English version: Farofa with Walnut

This farofa was used as a stuffing of Roast Chicken with Farofa Stuffing, presented in another post.

3 cloves of garlic, chopped
1 onion chopped
Salt to taste
½ cup walnut chopped
1 ½ cups raw manioc flour
½ cup vegetal oil

How to make:In a skillet, stir-fry onion, salt and garlic in vegetal oil until onion beginning to golden. Slowly pour in the manioc flour, whisking constantly until the flour comes dry. Add chopped walnut and mix well. Turn off the heat and use to stuffing chicken or other meat or serve as a side dish

In another post we had explained that farofa is a dish of wildly varying flavors consumed in Brazil and other countries of South America. It can be found commercially produced and packaged in markets but is often prepared at home based on family recipes. The key ingredient of all Farofas is manioc flour. Most recipes will also contain varying amounts of jerked beef, sausage, nuts, egg, banana, salt and spices.

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