quarta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2009

Filé de Peito de Frango Grelhado com Molho de Iogurte à Moda Indiana

A receita do molho foi fornecida na postagem anterior.


½ kg de filé de peito de frango
Alho e sal a vontade
Pimenta do reino a vontade

Modo de fazer:

Temperar os filés e grelhar. Servir com o Molho de Iogurte à Moda Indiana

De noite, Fernando fez um sanduíche com as sobras de frango e do molho. Ficou delicioso.

English version: Grilled Chicken Breast Fillets with Indian-Style Yogurt Sauce

The recipe for the sauce was giving in another post.

Ingredients :
½ kg chicken breast fillets
Garlic and salt to taste
Black pepper to taste

How to make :
Garlic -salt and pepper the chicken fillets on both sides. Grill the chicken fillets. Serve with Indian=Style Sauce.

At night, Fernando made a sandwich with the leftovers of chicken and sauce. It’s delicious.

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