quarta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2009


Esta receita já saiu na postagem do Picadinho Carioca.


3 colheres (sopa) de manteiga
2 ovos (opcional)
2 xícaras de farinha de mandioca crua

Modo de fazer:

Aquecer a manteiga em fogo médio, acrescentar os ovos( opcional), misturar até ficarem esfiapados, acrescentar a farinha de mandioca aos poucos, mexendo sempre, até obter uma farofa seca. Tempere com sal a gosto, tire do fogo e reserve.

English version: Farofa

3 tablespoons butter or margarine
2 eggs (optional)
2 cups raw manioc flour (cassava flour)

How to make:
In a skillet, melt butter or margarine over medium heat. Add eggs (optional) stirring constantly. Slowly pour in the manioc flour whisking constantly until the flour comes dry. Season with salt and turn off the heat.

Farofa is a dish of wildly varying flavors consumed in Brazil and other countries of South America. It can be found commercially produced and packaged in markets but is often prepared at home based on family recipes. The key ingredient of all Farofas is manioc flour. Most recipes will also contain varying amounts of jerked beef, sausage, egg, banana, salt and spices.

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